How to Make Sure DNS records on Ezoic and host tallies.

There have been issues and troubleshooting relating to this relating so I will be writing a blog post to show the step-by-step on how to get this done.

Difference between the root Domain Nameservers and the host Domain Nameservers.

When you sign up for ezoic there’s an integration method where you use root nameservers, these nameservers are the nameservers that exist at your domain registrar and I call it “root DNS” It can be 2 or 4 records. These nameservers indicate where your domain should point at the root level.


The host nameservers are those present at your host and have different types that range from “A” “Cname” “txt” etc, this indicates what file your site should show.

You can have both your registration and hosting on the same company so your root DNS and host DNS exist there, but if you have a different host you will need to get your host DNS from them.

How to get your host DNS record.

You can get it in 2 ways.

  1. Contact your host

2. Checking on Cpanel

If you have your file on cpanel then follow the step-by-step guide to get your host DNS records

  1. Login to CPanel

A screen like this should be shown

2. Search for “zone editor ” in the search tool tab then click on it. You should see a page like this

3. Click on “Manage ” and there you have your host DNS records.

Incase your cpanel overview is different, just find your way to the zone editor and manage it for the domain you want to edit.

Check the record on ezoic

Since you have the record from your host, its time to confirm on ezoic.

  1. Go to
  2. Now Cross check the records here with that at your host.
  3. Do not delete any record on ezoic!!! only add those absent from your host.

With this, you made sure your DNS record on both ezoic and your host tallies.

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